Monday, 29 October 2012

Peace Camp

For decades, the people of Uganda’s greater north were brutally terrorized and broken by the Lord’s Resistance Army conflict. At Peace Camp, 80 youth ranging in age from 17-25 were selected from four tribal groups— Acholi, Iteso, Lango, and Alur —and brought together to engage in inter-tribal peace building, reconciliation, positive communication, leadership skill development and cultural exchange activities. As a counselor at Peace Camp, I was responsible for mentoring ten war-torn youth. Peace Camp has been the highlight of my Peace Corps service thus far and has forever changed the way I look at war and those affected by it.

Erin and me

Teaching campers baseball

Ugandan counselor Betty


Group Happiness - My Campers (Male) and Co-Counselor Moses

Acholi Girls Dancing - 1
Acholi Girls Dancing - 2
Johnson (My Camper) With His Acholi Drum


Peace Corps Country Director with Camp Counselors and Staff

Local Dancing

“There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” 
 - Nelson Mandela

Queen Elizabeth National Park

Traveling from the Southwest to the West, one must pass through Queen Elizabeth National Park. Spotted these guys en route.